What where your signs of anemia?


Im 25+6 and I had my appointment Monday. I actually called to go in that morning instead of that afternoon because I was so dizzy. I’ve been dizzy pretty frequently. Last week I had some chest pain for a few days but it started after I had piled up some leaves up in the yard and threw them so I thought maybe that. Saturday I went to the bathroom and when I sat down I started seeing sparkler like lights. So Monday they checked my blood pressure and it was 121/40. I told the nurse practitioner I was worried about how I’ve been feeling. She said to maybe take some vitamins because maybe I am anemic. I was very dizzy yesterday as well. I literally woke up from it. Just turning my head made me very dizzy. I took my vitamin and it wasn’t too bad for the rest of the day. But today I woke up with a headache. I took a Tylenol this morning, ate breakfast and still had a headache. A few hours later I took another one and took a two hour nap and my head it still hurting on the right side. I’m just very paranoid because our first was born at 29+5. And I hate that they didn’t test for anything at all when I went in. She said at my appointment on the 13th we would do blood work, my glucose and my cervical check but that’s still a while away so I’m curious what everyone else has experienced