My baby is fussy after 5pm

My baby is 3 weeks and 2 days old. He feeds really well throughout the morning, afternoon, evening and night and sleeps really well for around 2-4 hours after each feed. He burps well and has a good amount of wet nappies and poops each day!

In the evenings between 5pm and 9pm he tends to become more fussy and just won’t settle and cries so much!

At this time between 5pm and 9pm I like to comfort him and give him my full attention. I have tried to lay him down on his own and hold things up for him to focus on. I tried him in his rocker chair but once he’s settled and I have to take him out he cries again.

I thought it might be colic so I changed his bottles to anti colic and even use the anti colic drops but still that doesn’t help. He just doesn’t like anything around this time each day and he cries and cries and I feel so helpless. I just want to make him happy!

He was weighed today and he has put on weight so I know that is good and I always make sure that the temperature is right for in the house.

I would just like some advice if you have any please on what I can do or what you think I could be doing wrong?
