Do employees not go by HIPAA!!

So I found out I was pregnant at 6 weeks because I took a trip to the emergency room. Well a couple days after I couldn’t breath again so I went to the ER. Well the receptionist knew me from work so she heard when I told them I was pregnant. A couple days pass and a coworker tells me she told him I was pregnant...

I was angry because I’m not far along and obviously anything can happen. I just felt like that was so messed up and not her business to tell...

But, do they not have to follow HIPAA because they’re the receptionist? Like Idk why she felt so comfortable to tell MY business..

Am I over reacting?

(She’s a customer at my job not even a friend of mine)

Thanks everyone I’m really not trying to be petty and get her fired. Cause eventually people where going to find out. I might just confront her Instead.