How in the HELL


Are you curbing your appetite?! Back story. Baby number 1, I gained 65-70lbs some was swelling other was eating all the time. Dropped most of it. Baby number 2 I gained 35. She turns 2 in February. I lost all of it plus 20. Feelin good about myself. Lost it in about 9 months. Hard work. Currently 9 weeks pregnant with our third. And I want to eat. ALL. THE. TIME. I am drinking 150+oz of water per day. I’m TRYING to eat healthy. I’m off the holiday train so eating better should be easier. But. I eat dinner and then 30 minutes later it’s like I haven’t eaten all damn day! I do not remember this being an issue the last time. All. I. Want. To. Do. Is. Eat. 😩😩 any suggestions would be great! Pic of my hard work I’m trying so hard not to gain it all back.