Help :(

I hate thinking about what happened to me, so I try my best not to. But sometimes I have breakdowns because of it. I have nightmares. I get angry.... angry at myself because it happened to me. I never told anyone because I didn’t know how to. I didn’t know how I would say it, or if they’d believe me. I was scared and I didn’t understand why this would happen to me. But then it happened to my little sister. (Same person did this.) and she was brave enough to tell someone. They didn’t believe her— so I told them how it happened to me to. They still didn’t believe us. They swept it under the rug and tried making excuses. “Maybe he was drunk” or “maybe he thought you were someone else”. After a while everyone just forgot that it even happened. No consequences. No one ever spoke about it again. No one ever asked if me or my sister were doing okay. A couple years later and I’m still struggling with this thing that happened to me. I act strong for my sister but it’s eating me alive— I can only imagine how she feels. I would really like to find a way to cope with it without getting anyone in trouble or causing a scene because at this point I would just like to move on and heal myself. But I don’t know how. 😞