I have not been to the doctor yet due to family/personal issues (a lot to explain) but my last period was November 11 and I still haven’t started and I found out I was pregnant on December 8th, still have always had mild cramps nothing bad, and nothing close to cramps I had with my chemical pregnancy or my period, and I should be around 7w+3 - 8w with a first response calculator. But tonight had some milder cramps but it wasn’t super painful nothing to where I thought I was bleeding was just uncomfortable but then I had this

Is that normal, when I would while it would be at like the bottom of my vagina hole and or close to my butt hole, AND SORRY FOR THE DISCHARGE BEEN HAVING ALOT LATELY, AND THE TMI IM JUST A VERY CONCERNED MOMMA RIGHT NOW, also my first baby.

And my grandma also said not to take my prenatals before I go to the doctor to see if they alright but I bought them at meijer’a the other night on New Year’s <a href="">Eve</a> and have been taking them because I personally feel like it’s alright since they are suppose to help your baby, please help is this normal and alright?!?!