I recently gave birth to a healthy beautiful baby girl 8/19/19. Went back to work November 2019. Started feeling weird with sore boobs, nasty taste in mouth and sleeping all the time and last but not least a MISSED PERIOD!

Took a pregnancy test at work 12/26/19, & it said POSITIVE! Unexpected, but hey, my husband and I were just talking about strapping on our boots and making it work! 1/2/20, I started to spot, called my doctor and they said, as long as you don’t soak a pad, you should be fine. Started cramping & decided to make a trip to the ER. Took blood work and Hcg came back 3.8 which doc said it was zero chance that I’m pregnant. That was it! Doc kept referencing that oh, maybe you weren’t never pregnant.. so forth and so forth! The nerve! Obviously this wasn’t planned but DO NOT make me out to be some crazy lady! I was high offended. Then stated it could have been a chemical pregnancy. Where’s the bed side manner?? As a woman, I know my body! In