Schedule change

So, I come back from lunch yesterday and was told I apparently was supposed to work today, and was supposed to have New Year’s <a href="">Eve</a> off. My boss and a coworker changed the schedule so he could work New Years, but she NEVER put up the new schedule. It was back in her office the whole time. Nobody knew there was a change, and I was beyond upset because I didn’t want to work the next day! It was my Friday. I told them “well I worked Tuesday, so I’m not coming in tomorrow.” Then when my shift ended, I went back and asked if I was supposed to come in, because I will if I have to 🤷‍♀️ She said she’d message the boss and have her message me. I never got a message, so I just didn’t go in today. Still no message.

Not my fault the boss didn’t put up the schedule and I worked New Year’s <a href="">Eve</a>. I went in that day and NOBODY told me I wasn’t supposed to be there, not the guy who changed the schedule with our boss, and not our boss.