**UPDATE** 12w4d Scariest day of my life




I had an appointment with my OB today. The baby is doing great and the genetic testing came back perfect!! We got to hear the baby’s heartbeat again which made me feel so much better 💕 I was told I had to go straight to the ER to get some IV fluids (because of low blood pressure and severe dehydration which is why I have been feeling so drained) and an Rh injection because I have O- blood type and the bleed may cause my baby’s blood to reject my blood (or vice versa). I had to get the injection at 28 weeks pregnant with my first so I’m not really worried about that. I’m just so thankful that my little bean is doing well. The doctors have all said that I may have another bleed and not to panic if it does happen. After reading so many worst case scenarios with heavy/bright red bleeds in pregnancy, I’m just so thankful to know (and to read positive stories in my comments) that it does not always mean that you have lost the baby.

I am 12w4d pregnant with baby #2. I woke up this morning feeling fine. I had my genetic testing and ultrasound booked for 9:45am this morning so I was a bit nervous (but I’m always nervous so it wasnt out of the ordinary). I went to work for 8am and quickly went pee before I started chugging water for my ultrasound. However, when I wiped I saw some fresh/pink discharge and immediately started to panic. There wasn’t a lot there but def fresh blood (I had previously spotted brown/old blood at 8 weeks and they found that I had a subchorionic hematoma (SCH) but my OB was not concerned). I went back to my desk and tried to get some work done but when I stood up blood literally started gushing out of me. I mean running down the leg of my pants and pooling in my shoe and all over the floor. I immediately thought I was miscarrying. I called the ultrasound lab and asked if I should go in for my US or go straight to the hospital. After being put on hold for what felt like forever, they told me to come in for the scan and I could go straight to the hospital after that if I needed to. So my husband, who works in a different town than I do, rushed over and met me at the lab. At this point I was inconsolable. I have been on this app long enough to know that heavy/red bleeding is NOT a good sign. I felt I had lost our precious baby. The technician took me back to the room (she was the one I had at my 8 week scan and was wonderful). She said that it either meant that I had lost the baby OR my SCH was bleeding and emptying itself out. She laid me down, put gel on my belly, started doing the scan and immediately said “There it is! Your baby has a strong heartbeat and is moving all over”. I bawled. I wanted to hug her... She took all the measurements and then went to get my husband to come see the baby on the monitor. As soon as he saw our little bean moving around his eyes filled with tears. He was trying so hard to be strong and reassuring for me but he was also terrified of losing this little one. Our little bean had a heartbeat of 162, measuring perfectly and was doing summersaults in my belly!! I’ve never been so thankful in my life. I’m still bleeding a little and I have to rest as much as possible, but for now our little miracle is healthy and thriving.