Claim baby due late February on taxes? Will one of us still get the child credit? Will we get credit on the taxes for year 2021 instead of this year? Clueless

I just realized that only God knows when and if I’ll get a job in 2020, considering the new baby and all.

According to google (and since I’m a little uneducated and had to look it up), If I don’t have any job or taxable income in 2020, then there’s basically no point in me “doing my taxes”.... Where I’d be receiving the child tax credit that parents get if they claim their child... (like $1,000+ or something like that, right?)

Then I realized my boyfriend could just claim the baby and he would get the money on his refund- considering he’ll be the bread winner for us and actually have taxable income if I don’t get any job.

Thoughts? Also, would he/we even receive any extra money on the return for this baby? Or would I it be when we do our taxes in 2021? Due Feb 29th. I have noooo clue about anything 🤯