Tips? Getting through a bad cold while nursing?


I need any suggestions you have! I've had this cold for 3 weeks now. It gets a little worse every day. I had been taking robotussin in the beginning, and it was helping me a TON. But by the second week I noticed my son would only sleep an hour at a time.... that's when I found out decongestants wreak havoc on a nursing mother's milk supply. I finally got my milk production back up; so I decided to try taking a half dose of medicine so I could breathe enough to sleep.... nope, through the night he went from 2h40m to less than 1 hour between feedings.

There is so much pressure in my sinuses that it is making my teeth hurt whenever I breathe through my mouth, which is all the time. So if anyone has suggestions for sinus relief or extremely sore throats... I would very much appreciate any suggestions you can give!

Things I've currently been trying: hot lemon/honey water, humidifier (without the vapo-steam since the baby is sleeping in my bedroom), cough drops (duh lol), and vapo-inhalers..