Long Distance

Okay so i really need some advice 😭

my bf broke his phone Nov 6 2019 and ever since then he hasn’t talked to me or contacted me in any way he doesn’t have a lot of money and i get he won’t be able to buy a new phone immediately. He lives in another country and the only good way for him to contact me is WhatsApp but the thing that bother me is that he doesn’t only have to use internet to call me he could call me internationally it would just cost a little money or just even use a friends phone to contact me even just for a few minutes to let me know he is okay or he is still trying to get a new phone. Yesterday made it 2 months without us talking and idk what to do or think anymore should keep waiting and do trust that he is actually doing everything he can to get a new phone or should i leave him 🥺. I never wanted to do long distance cuz of things like this happened so i wouldn’t get my heart broken but this boy was different he waited weeks for me even after i left to go back home from my vacation for me to say yes to be his gf even though i said no because of the distance he still wanted to be with and i finally did say yes. I keep thinking bout him 24/7 just waiting for that text or call saying he got a new phone he hasn’t and i keep thinking the more days we don’t talk he’s gonna fall out of love with me 😭😭. I still love him what should i do ?