Getting this off my chest

Beautiful Human

I have been single for almost a year now. I broke up with someone that I deeply love and truly appreciated but we were both pretty toxic for each other. We both had secrets, we both played games at times but the great thing about our relationship was we were able to be vulnerable together and that was a great feeling to be able to poor your heart out to someone that means so much. But we couldn’t abide by each other. We were to damaged to really really come together into one. I love him to this day as he has moved on and I would like to say I have to. I think one thing that contributed to our fire was me not being physically attracted to him, I truly liked this boy for his heart, his “honesty”, his humor and his affection. We were so alike, so alike that we became toxic for each other.

I’d had all that on my chest for a while now and though there isn’t a “point” to what I just said, I thought I’d let it out.