If you had a 4th degree tear...


ETA: I was induced, labored for technically only 8.5 hours, and popped her out! 2nd degree tear this time, no episiotomy, and I feel absolutely amazing. Lol. Little girl was 8lbs 3oz and 20” long at 37w2d. 💖💖💖

And you went on to have another baby, what was your labor and delivery like?

I went into labor naturally with my son, labored 33 hours, pushed for 5.5 hours, and ultimately ended with a 4th degree tear. We’re finally having another baby. Now that I am 37 weeks, my doctor will probably induce me after my appointment tomorrow due to blood pressure issues that I’ve been having. I’m just wanting to hear from other moms how their subsequent deliveries went after that kind of trauma.