Controlling Father

Good morning ladies,

it’s 8:11 I’m the morning and I couldn’t get myself to sleep because of a conversation I had with my dad last night.

A little back story.

I’m a 27 years old female, who 6 months ago moved out of my dad’s house because his wife hates my guts. He didn’t want me to leave but I did anyway for my sake and sanity. Leaving in that house was pure hell. I was always miserable, staying in my room all the time, I paid nearly a $1000 every month just so that I could live there. It didn’t feel like home. Nothing I did was good enough in the eyes of his wife.

In June, I got my own apartment. I’ve never been happier. Everything is going well for me, I have a job that I love, I have peace of mind ( well until my dad started to try and control every move I make). He wants me call multiple times a day. In the morning, on my way to work, if I don’t call him. He gets an attitude. He wants me tell him every time I leave my apartment. He wants to know where I am at all time.

Fast forward to last night, he called me on FaceTime although I told him not to because I was going to bed early so that I can wake up for church. He called anyway to tell me that he feels like he’s losing control of me because i don’t want him to know what I have going on. I just started dating a great guy who’s the sweetest but I just want to take my time before I introduce him. I’m scared that he will leave me because my dad is controlling. And no, my dad is not responsible for me financially. I do everything for myself. I’m completely independent. He just treat me like this a little kid and I hate it even tho I love my father. Maybe I’m being inconsiderate, but I just want to be treated like the 27 years old independent woman that I am.

Thank you for reading, please let me know what y’all think!