Techniques for Putting a Baby to Sleep


Hello everyone!

I hope everyone's day is going well! So recently I've struck an issue. I always knew that this would be an issue when the time came. I don't know how to put my baby to sleep. When we're home I just swaddle him and lay him on a pillow till he eventually gets sleepy. When my baby was a newborn and also when he was lighter I was bounce him to sleep. But now that he's older (he's 4 months) and a lot heavier, he doesn't like the bouncing method. The bouncing method makes him spit up. Lately, my life has changed where on Saturdays I'm out past his bedtime. He's so fussy when he's tired and it makes me frustrated because I can't figure out how to put him to sleep. Does anyone have any techniques on how to put a baby to sleep while both at home and not at home?