Blood draw for a baby.

My son is 9 months old. He has a cow milk protein allergy as well as a peanut allergy. Those we know so far. He is scheduled for an allergy test at the end of the month.

I was talking to a friend about this and she explained to me how terrible a blood draw is for a baby his age due to his tiny veins. As well as they move easily which makes it difficult to get the needle in. She told me they poked her son for a half an hour trying to get it before she finally stopped it. Said it was one of the worst experiences she has had so far as a mother.

My son goes bright red during his vaccinations and doesnt breath... how bad will this be?

I'm not quite sure I can handle this. I'm a single mother and I'm so scared of doing this on my own. Anyone else have experience with this? Did you find something to attempt to distract them?

Any chance there are good stories of this out there? Maybe the nurse found the vein the first time? I'm just a ball of stress over it.

Maybe I should just wait on the test?