I guess I'm gross?

Today (Sunday) Mark's 5 days since I have washed my hair. I have showered.

See, I'm trying to cut costs on top of seeing if my hair becomes healthier.

I normally shower every single day and would wash, blow dry and straighten my hair. My hair has always been so, so oily, which is why I washed it every day.

As of right now my hair doesn't stink, and to alieveate oiliness, I've used some baby powder. Being that its winter and sweating isnt involved, I can probably get away with it. Come summertime I'm not sure. Also, aside from wearing my hair down (like I always do) I've worn it up since Thursday. I cant wait to was it though because I know I'm in for a good hair day. My hair is about medium length and super thin.

My husband finds it appalling that I'm not washing my hair. Lol. Any advice to anyone that's done this or does this work?