Coughing grandparent

southernsun • August 2019 baby, and August 2022 baby on the way 🥰

Hello my FiL was supposed to visit December 28 but cancelled because he still showed symptoms from a cold he had the week of Christmas. He said he was not ill any longer and no longer showing symptoms so he drove 3 hours to come stay with us. He seemed fine and would slightly cough without opening mouth if that makes sense. Now this morning he’s been coughing a ton. He coughed over my clean washed dishes in the drying rack. I removed them all and put in dishwasher sanitation cycle. My son is 4.5 months and he held him last night a bunch and was touching his burp cloth and wiping his mouth with it. I’m freaking out paranoid my son is going to get sick now. It’s been 12 days since FIL had a “cold” but I’m looking online seeing he could still be contagious since he’s coughing everywhere. I had my husband put the hepa filter in living room so it’s on, and just waiting for him to get out!!!!! I don’t want to be rude but if he wants to hold my son I’m going to ask him to “please go scrub his hands with hot water since he’s been coughing”... anyone help ease my mind? I cloroxed kitchen. And once he leaves I will just Clorox wipe everything he’s touched. Recommendations for the couch where he’s been sitting? It’s fabric