Please help :( 3rd pregnancy and need support

So 3rd pregnancy and had lots of bleeding and admissions to hosp with threatening miscarriage this time round (haven't had anything like this before). I'm now 23 weeks pregnant and still bleeding on and off. I didn't bleed with the others and the bleeding comes with bad cramping. I've been told I'm threatening miscarriage but baby is fine. They think its cos my placenta has partially come away a couple of times.

I'm feeling really vulnerable and responsible, even tho it's not my fault and out of my control. I seem to spend most conversations talking about the negatives 'bleeding/cramping today', and not much time just 'enjoying' this pregnancy. I dont have much money or friends to talk to to cheer me up. Has anyone got any suggestions on ways I can start enjoying this pregnancy so I can feel less stressed and more excited. I just feel constantly worried I'm going to lose them or sick of hearing 'what will be will be' from drs etc.