

Okay I went to my dr appt Thursday my dr said I was measuring 31 weeks I’m almost 37 .. okay she ordered for a sono but since there is no openings it’s scheduled for the 17th and she didn’t check my cervix well I was at the hospital today . I’m 50% effaced and they basically said my cervix is coming forward and it’s not super far back like she has to reach for it basically but I’m still only half a cm so not even dilated to a one yet.. I’ve been walking and taking castor oil . What should I do to go into labor? My dr said it was fine to go into labor now but she can’t medically induce me until 39 weeks.. I’m having a vbac so the smaller he is the better . My uterus can rupture while pushing if he is super big so trying to have him soon HELPPP PLEASE MOMS!