Ldr over and I’m heartbroken 😔


So here we are only two months in and I got friend zoned already. We connected on so many levels and honestly we only live an hour away. He says he saw so much potential in the beginning but texting, calling and virtual sex isn’t enough. We both have daughters and didn’t want them involved right away. So with work and children we couldn’t manage to meet 🙄. Honestly it was a shallow effort but now I’m heartbroken. He says he stills wants to talk but am I silly to think maybe he’ll rethink and miss me? He is a really great guy but I think he is self conscious and ran. I’ve been told I’m a bit intimidating to men but I don’t understand why. Also I’m a Leo and he’s a Taurus for all you astronomy people. Some advice or encouragement would be super welcome, I can’t believe I’m this heartbroken but I really felt a connection with him. It’s the first time I could be myself and didn’t feel judged. 🥺