Anyone else’s S/O change the plan??

My husband and I are going on 5 years of marriage. I’ve always wanted kids as long as I can remember. He has always wanted a family

As well but it took him longer than I to be ready to start said family. He always said he wanted 3 kids. Then when we were pregnant he said maybe only 2. I was fine with this as I always wanted 2-3 kids myself. Our son just turned 15 months yesterday and I’m having major baby fever and want to start trying for baby #2 this summer. We’ve had this plan for a long time and once my husband said he was ready to start it we did. However he now says he may be done and doesn’t want anymore kids. He said he will most likely change his mind but right now he’s just not sure what he wants. I would never force him into anything he doesn’t want but at the same time I am very frustrated that I’m the 8 years we’ve been together it’s always been kidS and I always wanted kidS, and now it may just be kid. I do not want to be done. Our son is so social and loves interacting with kids and other babies. Anyone else been in a similar situation? I try not to bring up the subject of another baby as I dont want him to feel pressured but the not knowing if I get to bring another life into this world where its been our plan from the start is really bugging me, and it’s hard to not just ask him are we ever going to have another kid or not?! So I sit quietly and patiently until he is really to tell me what he wants. I’d understand if he wanted to wait longer but to just be out right done is hard to grasp. Anyone else ever been in a situation like this? How did things work out?