FT Working Moms - How Do You Cope?


I’ve been back at work for a year and my heart still breaks every time I leave my daughter. My mom watches her while I work. It pains me to know I’m missing so many firsts, and so many precious moments of her childhood that I’ll never get back. I love her so much and want more than anything to be home with her.

My mom shows my daughter so much love and I know she’ll always keep her safe, but my mom “parents” my daughter differently than I want her parented. I’ve already suggested some changes to my mom but she always seems to fall back into her old habits. I know I would have these same issues at a daycare too because I can’t control the way they care for my daughter.

My husband and I could get by on his income alone but we’d have to live MUCH more modestly. We wouldn’t be able to buy a home and would need to continue renting our current condo which doesn’t have a yard. We really wanted to buy a home so our daughter could get outside to play more and have a neighborhood to take walks/ride a bike. We also want to have another baby and our condo is too small. However, I just don’t know how to cope with being away from my daughter so much. I miss her terribly. 💔

How do other FT working moms cope?