I think I may be bi٫ but I don't know how to be sure.

I've only ever out-right had crushes on guys٫ and I tend to base it on being friends and then feelings develop.

I've found girls far more physically attractive than guys for a long time٫ but it's only recently that I've thought about it in terms of my sexuality.

I have dreams where I am sexually and romantically involved with girls٫ and in an attempt to figure things out I've tried fantasising about girls (I've also fantasised about guys) and enjoyed it. This is obviously all in my head٫ and I sometimes question if I like girls or the idea of girls.

I've had no specific crushes on girls outside of dreams٫ but I think I want to try dating and figure things out.

On the other hand٫ I'm also far too scared and unsure to be open with my family or friends and would rather figure things out fully before coming out.

I'm only 15٫ so when all the advice I look at tells me to go "experiment" and hook-up with someone٫ I'm not really ready to go have sex٫ and to be honest I'd only want to do that with someone I was going to spend the rest of my life with.

If anyone has any advice٫ it would be really welcome. ❤