Trouble with registry


So a friend from work is throwing a baby shower for me and needs a link to my registry. I am having the toughest time thinking of what to put on there.

I hate asking for stuff in general, when my husband and I got married we requested no gifts and were really happy with it. We had been living together for a while and really didn’t need any help setting up a household. The baby stuff, on the other hand, we’re not ready for, this will be our first.

Also, I had a miscarriage back in April, and it has been hard to think of anything as permanent with the new pregnancy, even though it’s going great so far, baby girl is due April 21. I just recently was able to make a private wishlist for myself with cute custom geeky onesies, but I have had a huge block on actually buying anything at all, let alone asking other people for things. There has been zero nesting so far, and I’m getting a little worried about being underprepared.

Any mommas out there with advice? I think I’ll maybe limit it to more fun stuff in the $40 and under range, I’d rather take care of big ticket things myself as needed, I don’t want anyone to go overboard, hand me downs would be awesome as well.