I am so nervous but excited at the same time UPDATE


So tomorrow we find out what we are having a boy or a girl. I am so freaking nervous. I am hoping for a boy but I have a girl. This will be my last pregnancy. I am so nervous but also so excited. If we do end up having another girl then that is fine too. We have the boy and the girl name picked out. The girl name is Izabella Faith and the boy name will be Andrew Paul. The boy will be a Jr. My husband has always wanted a Jr so I always told him if we have a boy we will name him after him. If this baby is a girl yes I will be disappointed but I just want a healthy baby to come out of this pregnancy that is all. It will be ok to be disappointed bc a lot of people go threw the disappointment of having the gender they didn’t want. Either way boy or girl I will love this child unconditionally just like I love my daughter with unconditional love. My daughter name is Margaret Joyce. My daughter name came from both sides of the family my husband family and my family. My husband grandmother name was Margaret Joyce. His grandmother basically raised him since birth. My great grandmother name is Margaret and my nanny name is Joyce. I love her name bc it has so much meaning behind it. I am so excited to find out tomorrow but also so nervous.


It’s a girl. Yes at first I was disappointed but the more I think bout it we are blessed to have another baby girl. We are blessed to even be able to get pregnant. So yes I am every excited.