What would you do if your husband was super controlling for 2 years. Wouldnt even let you wear makeup. Had 2 babies in a year. Only to have him admit he has an obsession with Instagram models and counselor diagnosed him as a “sex addict”

I’m at a loss for words. He’s been awfully controlling for 2 years. Wouldnt let me take the kids to the park on a Sunday because “dads could be there”. Only to find him have a complete obsession with Instagram models. He is already an ex alcoholic. And goes to AA and counseling. Now his counselor is diagnosing him as a sex addict as he hid this from her while “getting help”. Ugh!!! So lost and confused. Our babies our 20 months and 9 months😭 so broken and lost. Also, wouldn’t let me clean or workout because I may “leave”. Yet he went to the gym everyday and is now absolutely massive. Also walked in front of our babysitter shirtless and defended her when she stole our car seat.