Anxiety/ eating disorder and pre eclampsia


Hiya I’m just looking for anyone’s suggestions!

So growing up through my teen years I battled with a eating disorder, starving myself ect. Anyway I’m now 28 and 24 weeks pregnant with our baby girl! She’s baby number 5, (6if u count a miscarriage). We’ve just been diagnosed yet again with bloody pre eclampsia 🤦🏻‍♀️

Baby number 3 was born at 30 weeks due to pre e, and I had it with the others too.

They think she’s going to be another early baby, however the problem is I havnt gained a single pound since being pregnant! And baby is measuring small due to the pre e. So I’ve been put on a high calorie diet that mostly consists of dairy which atm makes me gag. But I’m struggling so much to increase my calories! I don’t know if it’s all in my head as I have chronic anxiety (medicated) or if it’s real, but it’s driving me mad! This is literally the only thing I can do to help her, and I can’t even do it!

Has anyone experienced eating disorders and pregnancy? How did u manage? Is there any advice u can give me to make it easier?

Thank u so much in advance! Sorry it’s long 😂