God.jesus.the lord.( Mental health)


Im irritated with all the above.. First off i never asked to be here in the first place. If im having faith in all the above, why the fxxx is my life filled with drama, rape, molestation, phony ass friends( whom gets all the blessings) weird ass people aka pedophiles.

Am i tripping when i say that jesus is a fraud?

I really am wanting to know. Ive been 🙏 almost too much.

I got to deal with ptsd.bpd.depression.anxiety.a fuxxxx up mother/ step father and family.

Im wondering why do i still have faith in all the above when he or the being has been nothing but a fraud towards me.

Its like give me a motha fuxxx break. I could see if i was any or all of those things that i described( but im not) so why the fucxxx is god.jesus.the lord so fucxxx hard on me?

Could anyone answer this?