I want to share what helps with my anxiety.

Dee • Instagram : @dee.shrug 💕

1. chew gum anytime you step outside of your home. (I’ve been trying to break this habit even tho it does help so I may not stop lol)

2. Don’t think about your Breathing.

3. I noticed that when I had symptoms of anxiety it was because I was breathing fast and I wouldn’t Notice so breathe slower breathing fast triggers and leads to attacks it also the way I was thinking I was afraid of having another attack that I always thought omg I don’t wanna have another (try to think about something else) and say your fine and you won’t have anymore. BE POSITIVE it really does make a difference.

4. When you are in an attack chew gum , lay down, cry let it out, clean distract your self do the breathe in and out thing to relax.

I only say cry it out Bc that helps relax me if it’s that bad but don’t let it get that bad you can control it.

5. I get anxiety and I’m hungry or sleepy so rest and eat

6. I have days where I’m anxious for no reason and it’s annoying idk what to do about those but keep busy do something you enjoy watch some videos (take a nap maybe or hang out with someone to distract you)

7. Your mind is a powerful thing and you are in control remember that don’t let anxiety take over kick it’s a** to the curb.

Idk if this Helps but carry a water bottle everywhere you go stay hydrated that’s very important.

Anyways I hope I helped someone that’s all I can think of. Feel free to share what helps you. I just want everyone to be mentally happy and able to live life without anxiety in the way. 💕