I've never felt more insecure about myself...


So husband and I get home from lunch and as I'm changing back into my pj's, I shake my boobs in front of him. Fast forward to him playing with them, and getting in the mood for sexy time. Well we do the deed and we're feeling pretty damn great. We lay down to take a nap, when I wake up I look over at my husband to tell him I love him, and I kid you not, he's there watching porn beating his meat!!! At that moment I felt like I wasn't good enough that he had to go and watch porn. I'm a very insecure person, always have been and this just broke my heart. It's one thing to watch it any other day, but watching it after we had sex....that hurt so much. Of course I got emotional and cried, and my husband had the audacity to ask what was wrong, but if course he knows he did nothing wrong. I don't know what to do anymore.