Just a little rant

I've been feeling real down lately because my boyfriend stopped talking to me. My ”friends” manipulate me but I don't know how to let them go and I just feel so different in my family. I just feel so unwanted I feel like I'm just being rejected by life because my health has been declining too I haven't seen my therapist in the longest and I feel so alone and before I was dating the guy I am now I was with this guy I could talk about everything to I don't miss him because he manipulated me and I guess only wanted me for nudes but he was the best when I needed to talk to someone. And I miss that just not him and the guy im dating now I feel puts in zero effort and I pretty sure he's trying to ghost me because he's done this before( stopped talking to me) and I tried talking to him about it but he ignored me so I stopped trying and my family well I was talking to my grandparents and they just start laughing at me because of how I talk because I talk ”white” my moms from Georgia and my dads from dc and no one in my family talks how I do ”proper/white” why can't I just be excepted like my brother and mon even tease me about it and the thing that tops it all of is the I have 5 siblings but they're all my half siblings I was the only child my parents had together and I guess it just makes me feel like im an outcast on both sides except for when Im with my grandma on my dads side she's always nice to me and makes me feel welcome and my health I have to get regular doctors appointments because I have low vitamin d because I never leave my house and I get dizzy when I stand up and randomly throughout the day and I get these really bad headaches that literally make me cry along with me getting nauseous every time I get dizzy. Well that's my rant this might all seem really stupid but with everything else I didn't put in this makes it a lot worse on me, thanks