2.5 yr old suddenly afraid to sleep alone

lisa • Mom of 1 girl👧, 3 boys👦🧒🧒, twin 👧🧒( born 2/4/20) and one in heaven 👼 #nosanityleft

I have 4 kids and my youngest two 5 and 2 share a room mon to fri then on weekends my 5yr old goes to his big brother room because we let him watch tv for a bit at night. Now my 2 yr old has never had a problem with this never fought bed time, but about 2 weeks ago suddenly he screams bloody murder if he is alone in his room and during the week we often find he climbs in bed with his brother during the night. Anyone have a lil one go through this or have any advice to help him because putting him to bed is a fight where he kicks and screams and he has kicked me few times and im 32 weeks with twins so kicking isnt good. We added night light to his room really didnt help.