Getting rid of newborn nurseries in the hospital to promote bonding with baby.


The hospital that I delivered at did not offer a nursery. Their policy was the baby had to stay in your room at all times to promote breastfeeding and the bonding of mother/baby.

Looking back at everything I’m so grateful I had my baby girl with me at all times but it was extremely difficult. I had an emergency c section so getting in and out of bed was extremely painful and pretty rough. My husband didn’t wake when baby girl cried during the night so I had to tend to her by myself and honestly after surgery, being in so much pain, and on pain medication I just wanted sleep because I was exhausted. I remember even almost falling asleep with her in my arms in the hospital bed which would’ve been very dangerous. Thankfully I pulled through but it just got me thinking that it would’ve been nice to have the option. What are your opinions on this and your experiences with your hospital?

Edit* not sure if this is the right group to post in. If not I can move it

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