This app is soooo transphobic

I am a non binary person. That is who I am. I have dealt with my identity for so long. I have struggled, been bullied, and so much shit. And now this app, when I am at my worst, doesn’t not care about me, or any other trans person. They just need money. When we confront them about their transphobic ways, they block us. This app sucks. I wish I never came across it because it only made me hate myself more than I needed when at this awful time in my life. I am tired of being misgendered, and being forced to call myself a woman. Because I am NOT. I thought that it was normal. I am using a different app that is less shitty and makes me feel better about myself than this shitty app. That doesn’t need to call me a girl every five seconds. I am (insert my real name here) who uses they/he pronouns and you better respect that!! Because I am valid!!