11 dpo and giving up hope


Is anyone with me?

I honestly felt SO positive this month. This morning I feel so so sad, frustrated and tearful!

Classic PMS signs seeing as I’m due on my period in two/three days.

I’ve felt so good, literally full of energy and amazingly happy! Until last night when my mood massively dipped. Had a bad nights sleep and found myself crying when I woke up.

I’ve had cramps on and off since 6/7 dpo and needed to pee ALL the time for a couple of days 8/9/10. But now? Nothing. Literally nothing but the feeling I’m completely out and I’m gutted.

Sorry for the downer post. Can anyone relate?

Oh also started tracking my BBT but didn’t before ovulation so might be more relevant next month. Currently temp is sitting at 37.2 C

Hope you guys are having a better tww than me!

Baby dust to you all x