Dang it!


I had gestational diabetes with my son.. I had failed my one hour and substantially failed the three. He ended up being born 11 days early, my water broke naturally and he was born vaginally. I was so happy the next morning when my MIL brought me donuts 😅

I found out in August I was pregnant again and everyone was like I hope you don't have it again! I had a one hour test early on and passed it. Had another one hour test at probably 24-25 weeks and failed (179, when I should have been at like 140). So I just did my three hour yesterday and I'm still waiting for the results. I'm pretty positive I've failed it and that I'm just gonna have to suffer again 😷 I've already been eating like I had to for GD, preemptively. That first one hour gave me so much hope. Anyone else have it multiple times?