In shock


Husband and I have been ttc for almost 3 years with the help of <a href="">fertility treatment</a>. We had a mc in Oct 2018 and then an ectopic in May 2019. We decided to take a break as of Sept of last year and we went to Mexico late Dec for about 2 weeks. Well I got my period or what I thought was a period Jan 16-19 and then for some reason I had a bit of spotting yesterday which made me think if I could be pregnant but then I thought I was crazy thinking that since I literally had a period last week. Well today I got home from work and I had the urge to test, to my surprise it was POSITIVE!! I’m still in shock I had to take 4 more lol I’m so scared the same thing will happen again, has anyone had a “period” and then went to find out they were pregnant?