Cryptic Pregnancy?

Okay, hear me out. My period is now 2 WEEKS late and I am never late. I’m having every symptom in the book and i’m still testing negative on hcg urine tests. I just got blood work done and haven’t gotten the results back yet. I’m telling you, i’m never EVER late. Is it all in my mind or could I really be pregnant and just not producing the hormone? Maybe i’m looking up too much stuff on the internet, but this has never happened before. I’ve tried having sex to see if maybe that would start my period? Normally (for some odd reason) Having sex a lot makes me start early but it hasn’t and I am beyond baffled. I’m not stressed, I know it’s not stress induced. My doctor said that it is a possibility that i’m not producing enough HCG because I am overweight and I have PCOS which can make that happen?