IBS or Braxton Hicks? **TMI** ‼️UPDATE‼️

Does anyone in here have IBS? How can you tell the difference between IBS or BH? I was only diagnosed with IBS in the last year, so this is all new to me.

I’m 23 weeks with baby #3 and I have IBS. Typically with IBS I get stomach pain and tightening but eventually it leads to me using the bathroom. Well I woke up last night around 1am and I was having what I thought was IBS pains but when I tried to use the bathroom nothing came out. The pains were stomach tightening, lower back pain and and like one long cramp. It finally stopped after 30mins and I was able to go to sleep but this morning it happened again, not as bad as last night and only lasted about 15mins.

I would think if it was IBS I would have used the bathroom but I haven’t yet.

I do have a call into my doctors office, just waiting on a call back!!

Also, just to add with my oldest, I went into labor naturally at 37 weeks and my labor pains weren’t painful at all. I went into labor the night before and just thought it was Braxton Hicks. When I woke up I had my bloody show. He was born via Csection though. My second was a repeat csection so I never went into labor with him and my BH with him were never really painful.


The nurse called and said it couldn’t be BH because they don’t last 30mins. She said could be ligament pain but I know that’s not what it is. Either way she told me that if it continues to go to L&D.