Coworker upset that I'm pregnant

Anonymous in case she has this app.

My coworker that I work with every day in the same room has been trying to convince her husband to TTC but he doesnt want to yet. My fiance and I have been trying for 3 years with 6 miscarriages and we are pregnant again. I'm praying to finally get my rainbow.

Anyway I told her that I'm pregnant because we are constantly together at work and I have been nauseous and tired and I just wanted her to know in case I need to run to the bathroom or anything. Just so she would know I'm not sick or contagious or anything and I felt like it was just the right thing to do to tell her in case I lose this one and am different at work, she even went to part time and tells people it's because she didnt want to do all the work when in reality I do all the work and our boss has been talking to her about that so that's getting taken care of.

She was obviously upset when I told her and didnt talk to me for the rest of the day. Now every day at work she says she thinks she might be pregnant too and I really hope she is because that would be so exciting! But she wont take any tests and gets defensive when I ask her questions about her symptoms and why she is feeling that way.

Anyway she also told me that she lied to her husband that she wasnt ovulating when she was. Shes just been different towards me. Idk.

I care about her and I want her to have a baby but not when her husband doesnt want to and I dont want her to resent me for being pregnant when she wants to be. She constantly complains about me and our other pregnant coworker behind our backs and lies to our boss saying we are lazy (which luckily our boss knows is a lie). I feel like she just doesn't want us around her because she is jealous.

I just dont want to have a bad relationship with her over this.