How I told hubby I’m pregnant


Everyone likes to post the beautiful ways they told the father they’re pregnant. So here’s my story.

On January 3rd about 2pm we had been on the road since 12am and I had to pee. So hubby pulled over at Dollar General so I could use the bathroom. I decided to buy an FRER while there. I bought it, took it to the bathroom, peed on it, saw the second line, found hubby in the store, handed him the stick and said “See that second line?” Aah memories!

We women find out we r pregnant literally by squatting over a stick but we feel obligated to make sure the daddy finds out in a special way. Whatever! I’m the one about to go through hell so I feel like someone should tell ME in a sweet way. Make me feel better about what my body and emotions are about to go through. But again I’m petty.