One Scared Momma


I have one LO that is 2 1/2 now. My first birth was VERY fast. I scheduled to be induced, they told me the cervix ripening pill rarely sends someone into labor which is why they do the pitocin after. I got through round 2/3 of the cervix ripening medication and went into full blown labor. My labor lasted less than an hour, at 1:59 AM they checked me and I was only at 3 cm displayed, by 2:51 am my daughter was born.

Now I am pregnant with my 2nd and am completely terrified of the possibilities. I know I did this to myself but I can be totally calm one minute and the next be having a panic attack because I’m terrified of not making it to the hospital in time, being alone with my 2 year old when the baby comes, endless thoughts. My husband works swing shift so I’m at home with my daughter in the evenings by myself a lot.

Any advice for me? I’m pulling my hair out because I’m freaking out so much.