Team Green...Name Help!



Our first pregnancy we were also team green. Had both a girl and boy name picked out pretty fast. Ended up with a little boy who is named Jackson Reno. It was one of the only boy names we could agree on.

This pregnancy were also team green. We’re sticking with our girls name from last time which was Reagan Viola but we cannot for the life of us agree on a boys name!! I don’t want to go to the hospital without one and then be stressed and having to decide when baby’s here if it does end up being another boy.

Just for an idea, the top names I like are Greyson, Miles, and Hudson.

My husband so far has suggested Winston and Colton (his name so the baby would be a Jr. which I’m not a fan of).

The -son and names ending with -on or -an seem to really compliment our last name. What sold us on Jackson the first time was how strong it sounded so I’d love if I had another boy and they both had strong names that complimented each other. I didn’t think picking a name would be so hard! Thanks for any suggestions!