39 weeks pregnant, cramping and spotting

Ashley • 💕 Happily married 2/23/2019 💍 Mommy to a beautiful baby girl Rileigh Grace 1/28/2020 👶🏻

So I am currently 39w3d pregnant. I had my membrane sweep 4 days ago at 38w6d (Thursday) when I was 1/2 cm dilated. After the sweep I had some spotting and not so fun cramps which I know are normal after a sweep. The following 2 days (Friday and Saturday) I had no cramps or spotting. Sunday morning I woke up around 10 and had intermittent cramps that felt like kinda bad period cramps. When I was making breakfast around 11:30, the cramps eased up slightly, but I still relaxed until I went to work for 3pm. Around 5:30pm I went to the bathroom at work and noticed I had a little bit of spotting. My cramps had returned, but they weren't too bad, just a little crampy and some back pain. The cramps picked up in intensity over the next few hours until they felt like bad period like cramps again. I kept spotting every time I peed until maybe 10-10:30pm.

When I had gotten home from work around 7:15 or so, I called the on call doctor at my doctor's office to ask if what was happening was normal. She asked if I had recently felt my baby move, but having been at work, I hadn't really noticed. So she advised me to drink a cold glass of water and wait 30 minutes to see if my baby moved. If the bleeding got worse, to go to my hospital, or if I'm still bleeding in the morning, she said to call their office back. I felt my baby girl move before I even finished my glass of water, and because the spotting has stopped (for now), I feel like I could be in the clear. The only thing is I'm still having on and off cramps. I haven't had any Braxton Hicks this entire pregnancy, so I don't know if that's what I'm feeling. But I just felt my stomach area when I wasn't having a cramp and it was soft, and during a cramp, it was a kinda hard to the touch. Idk if that's what it feels like during a cramp too, but I heard that's what it feels like during BH's/ contractions.

I have 3 more work days to get through before I start my leave, and not sure if what's happening is early labor, or just my body prepping and dilating before labor 😭

Hopefully in the morning there won't be any spotting and these cramps will be gone 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻