My two year old isnt fun anymore


So I've been a SAHM to my 2.5 year old son his whole life until he goes to preschool in July. He's always been a joy, calm, fun to play with, and always happy. Recently (probably in the last month) its like a flip switched. He's constantly whining and defiant. When I sit down to play with him he plays for a little bit then starts throwing his toys across the room. I always give him one warning then take whatever he is playing with away. It's so frustrating. I'm not sure if it's a boredom thing. He has tons of toys to play with but he only want to play with a few of those things all day. We do not have a backyard he is able to run around freely in. It's also cold where I live right now so going out to the park isnt possible.

I've always been so patient with him but I'm losing more and more patience everyday. I do not enjoy being around him as much as i used to. I dont enjoy waking up for the morning as much as I used to either. I dont know if this is an age thing or something I'm doing. His dad is around and he parents just like I do, except he tends to be a bit more stern than me. Our relationship is fine, but we do have the normal arguement probably once a month and a few disagreements here and there.

Is anybody else going through the same thing?