Feeling frustrated


I don't know what is wrong, but for the last 2 days I've been feeling really off. I've been having migraines, excessive thirst, lightheadedness, shortness of breath, a ton of Braxton hicks, and have been seeing floaters in my vision. I suffer from chronic migraines so the doctor attributes a lot of it to that. But this morning I realized that I hadn't felt my baby kick since the night before (I'm 32 weeks pregnant). I called the doctor and they had me come in to be monitored. Her heartbeat was fine, in the end I did feel a few kicks, but still not a lot. I was sent home and the doctor acted like everything was fine. I guess I just feel frustrated because I still feel like something is not right. I don't know if it's paranoia or maternal instinct. I am still waiting on a few test results. I just feel helpless and emotionally exhausted. I hate this feeling, like I'm missing some big sign, but also knowing there is really nothing more I can do at this point. I guess I just felt like I needed to rant.☹