Sooo anyone else!?


Sooo anyone else here with me? I’m nearly 34 weeks and I haven’t packed or organised much baby stuff. Haven’t even got a bassinet yet or packed hospital bags. To top it off we haven’t even talked names yet! 😂 second time around and the only reason we were organised with my son was because we moved and my Dad and step Mum gave us a whole freaking nursery set (which we have since handed down to my little sister and her baby so we’re starting from scratch again).

Last night I started having contractions that were sporadic and lasted about 3 hours. My sweet husband, bless his heart, started asking if we needed to go to hospital or time them. I told him not to worry. But secretly I was like “tomorrow I definitely need to organise my shit 😂”

Looked in the mirror last night and have noticed that baby has dropped for sure and I’m getting a lot of pressure down there. Have most in this group gone early with their second or more?