
Sometimes I really dislike my husband. Sometimes I truly resent him. Sometimes he bickers with our teen like they are siblings and not like he is a parent and she is the child. I hate having to referee their arguments. When he acts like a teenager and whines about helping around the house I want to throat punch him because I carry the bulk of the household load and all the load for our 3 kids. I also work 50 hours a week so it's not like I'm a homemaker and he is breadwinner. Responsibilities are most definitely NOT balanced here. He comes home and just wants to sit because "work made him tired" like my job isn't exhausting. But someone has to feed everyone and I've already been on my feet for 14 hours what's another 2? Dinner, bedtime routine, etc. He won't even clean the kitchen while I get the kids ready for bed and the next school day.

He becomes so unappealing when he acts like this and I want nothing to do with him. Why do men take so long to mature?!

Sorry, I just needed to get out my frustration.